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How To Submit Your Prints To Takach Press

In addition to our online gallery, Takach Press includes prints, pulled from Takach presses, in our catalog.
I can't say how much space we will have in our upcoming catalog for new prints, but If you would like your work to be considered, please send large high quality images.

I can work with most file types and sizes, send what is convenient for you, typically a 300dpi .jpeg file with minimum dimensions 600px by 800px. will do just about anything on the web, larger width and height may be required for print. I really don't have standard dimensions to maintain, the nature of hand pulled prints lends itself to oddball sizes.

Please send images with the print's title as part of the file name to TakachPrintGallery@gmail.com.

For identification purposes, please replace the following bold text with information pertaining to each print.

"Title" width" x height" by Artist's first and last name
Primary Medium with secondary medium(s) (if any)
Printed on a Takach size and model (ex: 3460 Hand Operated Etching) Press
Printed by Printmaker's Name (if not same as artist) at Name of Studio, location.

An example of this text pertaining to "Dots" by Jeanette Pasin Sloan.

By sending Takach Press images of your work, you are granting Takach Press permission to publish them in print and on the web.
Happy Printing,
Alan Takach
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